This is a test shop!


Imprint / Details according to § 5 Par. 1 ECG [Law governing e-Commerce]:


Wolford Aktiengesellschaft
Wolfordstraße 1
6900 Bregenz

Phone: 0800 27 98 279 (freecall)


FN 68605s of the Regional Court as Feldkirch Commercial Court
HM Revenue & Customs, VAT Registration Number 939 7791 52

Details according to § 25 Par. 2 Media Law:
Object of the company: The production and sales of products of the Wolford trademark: Bodywear, underwear and swimwear for women as well as legwear for women and men. Additional distribution of merchandising articles of the Wolford trademark.


Supervisory Board:


Antonella Mei-Pochtler  - Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board
Claudia Beerman  - Deputy Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board
Mag. Birgit Wilhelm – Member of the Supervisory Board
Lothar Reiff – Member of the Supervisory Board
Anton Mathis - Representatives of the Staff Council
Peter Glanzer - Representatives of the Staff Council


Disclosure according to § 25 Par. 4 Media Law:
The website serves to advertise and distribute products and merchandising articles of the Wolford trademark as well as to present our company.